Friday, May 23, 2008

Georgia Harris

Georgia Harris was born in 1905 and passed away in 1997. She began working with clay around 1915; she continued to do so until her retirement in 1992. Georgia also taught pottery to many young Catawbas.

Georgia Harris became a master potter by adhering to the strict standards set by her mother, Margaret Harris and her grandmother, Martha Jane Harris. A balanced form and a well-rubbed finish are some of her requirements for a quality pot. But a good pot must also be useful. A pot should be constructed so that its function is readily apparent to a customer. Because of her commitment, skill and willingness to give advice, Harris has been a major influence on many Catawba potters.

"When you make anything, make it to where it can be used. If you're making a pipe, make the hole big enough to get a stem in it. If you're making a candlestick, make it big enough that you can get a candle in it."

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